2023 Community forestry assistance grant applications open

Washington State has opened its 2023 Community Forestry Assistance Grants. These grants will support the planning, growth, and maintenance of trees in Washington’s urban areas.

The program goal is to assist communities with planning and implementing projects to improve parks and natural areas as well as address social and environmental disparities in Washington communities.

The total funding amount available this year is $350,000. Grant requests may range from $10,000 to $40,000. Match requirements vary by project location.

Applicants must be located in Washington State and be a local or Tribal government, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, public educational institution, and a special taxing district.

Eligible projects include public tree inventories, urban tree canopy assessments, urban forest management, maintenance plans, and education and outreach. 

Applications are due March 31, 2023, at 4 pm, and projects must be completed by May 31, 2024.