PSRC wants to wish everyone a Happy Pride!
The month of June is Pride Month, an annual celebration that highlights the history, culture, and achievements of the LGBTQIA+ community.
Here are events throughout the region that celebrating LGBTQIA+ culture:
Friday, June 2, 2023:
Burien Pride Street Dance (5pm-10pm)
Renton Pride/ Sip ‘n Strut Wine Walk (5:30pm-8:30pm): In partnership with the Renton Municipal Arts Commission, the event will host local artisans and other LGBTQIA+ vendors and organizations.
Saturday, June 3, 2023:
Burien Pride Festival (10am-10pm)
Seattle Pride in the Park (12p-7pm): Themed Galactic Love, an annual LGBTQIA+ event located in Volunteer Park, features performances, dancing, food trucks, drag queen story time, and more.
Brown PRIDE Art Show (5pm-7pm): Located at the Nepantla Cultural Arts Gallery, join Brown PRIDE Art Show for their opening reception celebrating seven of Seattle’s top Latinx Queer Artists.
White Center Pride (starts at 11am)
Sunday, June 4, 2023:
Drag Queen Bingo and Pancake Breakfast (10am-2pm)
Friday, June 9, 2023:
Disney PRIDE in Concert (7:30pm): Seattle Men’s Chorus celebrates LGBTQ Pride with the iconic music of Disney. Over 40 songs from classics like The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, and Mary Poppins, as well as modern favorites from Coco, Zootopia, Wreck-It Ralph, and many more.
Sunday, June 16, 2023:
Kirkland Urban Wear your Pride (4pm-6pm): Celebrate PRIDE with a festive, family-friendly parade around Downtown Kirkland.
Sunday, June 25, 2023:
Seattle Pride Parade (11am-3pm): A community-wide celebration advancing awareness of LGBTQIA+ issues and promoting respect and rights for all. The Parade route will again run downtown Seattle along 4th Ave, between Pike St and Denny Way.
Saturday, June 10, 2023:
Beyond the Rainbow: Olympic Pride (11am-6pm): The mission of Olympic Pride is to support the LBTQIA+ community on the Olympic Peninsula through awareness, education, and community engagement. Enjoy Drag shows, magicians, and band performances.
Pierce County (specifically Tacoma) celebrates PRIDE in July with a five-day celebration. Here are some smaller events happening in June.
June 24, 2023
Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium & NW Trek Pride Celebration (9am- 3pm): Family-friendly event includes animals fed rainbow-colored enrichments and decorative enclosures. There will be a Scavenger Hunt and a Pride Parade through the zoo!
Saturday, June 3, 2023:
Snohomish Pride (10am- 11:59pm): Presented by the Historic Downtown Snohomish Association, festivities start with a parade down 1st Street, followed by a street festival.