
Map displaying locations of Regional Growth Centers and Manufacturing/Industrial Centers.
Download map of Regional Growth Centers and Manufacturing/Industrial Centers (PDF).

VISION 2050 calls for the creation of central places with a mix of uses and activities connected by efficient transportation. 

Centers are the hallmark of VISION 2050 and the Regional Growth Strategy. They guide regional growth allocations, advance local planning, inform transit service planning, and represent priority areas for PSRC's federal transportation funding.

The region has designated 30 regional growth centers. These are locations of the region’s most significant business, governmental, and cultural facilities and are planning for growth.

Ten regional manufacturing/industrial centers are also designated, which are locations for more intensive industrial activity. Both regional growth centers and regional manufacturing/industrial centers are focal points for planned growth, economic development and transportation infrastructure investments.

Planning for a center? Check out the Centers Planning Resources section on this page and the Plan Review page.

Data questions? Look for answers in the Regional Centers Profiles or reach out to the PSRC Data Team

Designated Regional Centers

Information and data on all of the region’s centers can be found in the regional centers profiles. These profiles are updated regularly to reflect current conditions in centers.

View the Regional Centers Profiles

Centers Planning Resources

VISION 2050 and the Regional Centers Framework calls for jurisdictions to adopt subarea plans for regional centers. PSRC reviews and certifies these plans in accordance with the Plan Review Manual. Several resources exist to support counties and cities as they undertake centers planning.

PSRC Procedures and Monitoring

PSRC is undertaking a process to monitor and redesignate regional centers. The scope of work was given direction to proceed by PSRC's Growth Management Policy Board and Executive Board in February 2024. 

Timeline showing phases of monitoring and redesignation process.
Timeline outlining process for monitoring and redesignation of regional centers in the context of local comprehensive plan adoption and certification.

PSRC is not currently accepting applications for new centers. The next application window will occur in 2025. For more information, contact Liz Underwood-Bultmann.

Regional Centers Framework Update

In March 2018, after extensive work with members, partners, and the public, the Executive Board adopted a revised framework (PDF). The revisions focused on how to support and recognize the region's diverse centers and result in more consistent criteria throughout the region. This ensures that centers are developing as thriving, equitable, and connected communities.

The Framework contains a work plan which PSRC is currently working with members, partners, and stakeholders to implement.