Sound Transit and overpass near Northup Way


PSRC helps communities secure federal funding for transportation projects.

PSRC conducts project selection processes for almost $300 million each year in federal transportation dollars, and tracks awarded projects via a robust Project Tracking Program. Projects funded from a variety of sources are included in a rolling 4-year document called the Regional Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). 

PSRC also monitors various federal and state funding programs as a resource for jurisdictions seeking other grants for priority projects.

What's New?

11/1/24: USDOT has released the notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) for the FY 2025 RAISE Grant Program. $1.5 billion is available for transportation projects that will have significant local or regional impact. 


A portion of the available funding is reserved for highly rated applications that were not selected under the previous RAISE program and designated as FY 2024 Projects of Merit. Sponsors of these projects must email by Monday, December 2 to be considered for the reserved funding.


A series of webinars delving into various aspects of the application process will be held beginning on Thursday, November 7. Register to attend each webinar. Apply for grants by January 30, 2025.