Project Tracking & Delivery

Project Tracking Program

PSRC’s project tracking program was created in 2000 to monitor the progress of projects awarded PSRC’s federal funds. PSRC’s Project Tracking Policies have successfully resulted in PSRC funds being utilized more efficiently and with fewer delays, ensuring the region continues to be successful and no funds are lost. Policies are in place for both Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds managed by PSRC.

Project Tracking Policies

Progress Reports

For all projects that have received PSRC funds, the Project Tracking Policies require that sponsors submit status reports to PSRC that identify actual and/or expected progress. They are completed twice a year at the request of PSRC staff, and are submitted via an online form.

To access the form, you will use your agency’s Formsite credentials. If you do not have your agency’s Formsite credentials, or have any questions about the form, please contact Kalon Thomas at

The Progress Report Instructions have been developed to relay important notes on progress reports.

Progress Report Form

Extension Requests

For projects with FHWA funds awarded to a right-of-way or construction phase, the  Project Tracking Policies provide sponsors the opportunity to apply for either a 45-day or 1-year extension if they do not anticipate making their June 1 obligation deadline. Each year, extension requests are due to PSRC by February 15. Requests are submitted via an online form.

To access the form, you will use your agency’s Formsite credentials. If you do not have your agency’s Formsite credentials, or have any questions about the form, please contact Kalon Thomas at

The Extension Request Resource Document has been developed to assist sponsors in understanding the information needed to complete the form.

Extension Request Form

2019 Project Delivery Summit