Long-range plans and policies are developed by the region’s local jurisdictions, countywide planning groups, and transit agencies to help shape communities and plan for growth. PSRC reviews local plans for consistency with VISION 2050 and the Regional Transportation Plan.
PSRC works with local governments and agencies to coordinate long-range planning efforts.
State law requires PSRC to review and certify countywide planning policies, local comprehensive plans, and Sound Transit’s long-range plans. All transit agencies are encouraged to participate in PSRC’s plan review process under the 2017 MOU for transit planning. VISION 2050 calls for the review and certification of regional center plans.
PSRC first adopted a Policy and Plan Review Process in 2003.
Comprehensive Planning Newsletter
Sign-up for the Comprehensive Planning Newsletter to learn more about the plan review process, hear about upcoming workshops, and stay in the loop on new guidance documents!
Plan Review Manual
With the adoption of VISION 2050, PSRC updated the Plan Review Manual to reflect updated regional policies and provide details on how plans and policies are reviewed and certified. The manual provides guidance and VISION Consistency Tools for aligning plans and policies with VISION 2050 and requirements in state law.
PSRC Assistance and Draft Review
PSRC staff is available to assist and support in the development of plan updates and policy amendments, including review of draft plans. Early coordination with PSRC helps local plans to be consistent with VISION 2050 and state planning requirements well in advance of final adoption and PSRC certification.
- Email planreview@psrc.org to schedule a plan review consultation with PSRC or submit draft plans or policies for review.
Once plans or policies are adopted, PSRC works with jurisdictions or agencies on certification. Comprehensive plan certification is required for jurisdictions and agencies that intend to apply for PSRC funding or proceed with projects submitted into the Regional Transportation Improvement Program.
- Email planreview@psrc.org to submit your adopted plan or policy.
- View the most recent certification reports.