Planning for Whole Communities Toolkit

The Planning for Whole Communities Toolkit is a planning resource, including topical resource guides, helpful links, and best practices that local jurisdictions can use to promote health, equity, and sustainability in plans, programs, and policies.

The Toolkit is divided into 25 resource guides describing specific tools and how to put them to work at the local level. The resource guides help to connect the dots between planning and health, equity, and sustainability efforts, and provide new and innovative ways to think about plans and policies in relation to health. While each resource guide is designed to stand alone, many are closely related, and can be combined to create a suite of policies or programs that meets a jurisdiction’s needs.

The Toolkit is a living document which can be expanded and amended with additional information and more tools and best practices. Over time, resource guides will be revised and new resource guides will be developed on relevant topics. We welcome your contributions and feedback.

Made possible with funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in partnership with Seattle Children’s Hospital, Public Health- Seattle & King County and the Healthy King County Coalition.