Transportation System Visualization Tool

PSRC has collected data on various aspects of the transportation system, including bicycle and pedestrian facilities, regional freight assets, traffic signals, Transportation Demand Management Programs, specialized transportation services and other information.

The Transportation System Visualization Tool has been developed to display these data sets in context with other regional information such as demographics, regional centers, and transit stations among others.

Use the link to access the tool, which has a brief User Guide and a Data Dictionary for the various layers within the tool.

Transportation System Visualization Tool 

Please note:

  • The system data currently reflected in the tool is through 2019, pre-COVID.
  • This application is intended for general reference and planning purposes only. Mapping may not reflect current-on-the-ground conditions. PSRC collects data from a number of agencies across the region and cannot verify that all of the data gathered and presented here is accurate or reliable. For those reasons, PSRC neither assumes nor will accept liability for its use.