The region's vision for 2050 is to provide exceptional quality of life, opportunity for all, connected communities, a spectacular natural environment, and an innovative, thriving economy.
What is VISION 2050?
VISION 2050 is the region’s plan for growth. By 2050, the region's population will reach 5.8 million people. The region’s cities, counties, Tribes, ports, agencies, businesses, and communities have worked together to develop VISION 2050 to prepare for this growth and serve as a guide for sustaining a healthy environment, thriving communities and a strong economy. VISION 2050 is a plan for the long-term that can be adjusted as the region changes. See how the region is making progress implementing VISION 2050.
Why is VISION 2050 important?
VISION 2050’s multicounty planning policies, actions, and regional growth strategy guide how and where the region grows through 2050. The plan informs updates to the Regional Transportation Plan and Regional Economic Strategy. VISION 2050 also sets the stage for updates to countywide planning policies and local comprehensive plans done by cities and counties.
What's in VISION 2050?
- View the plan overview flyer
- Read the summary booklet
- Learn about the role of equity in VISION 2050
- Check out the policies and actions in the plan
- Read an overview of how VISION 2050 evolved from VISION 2040
- View a matrix of how VISION 2050 differs from VISION 2040 at the policy level
Overview: The Region's Vision for 2050
The central Puget Sound region provides exceptional quality of life, opportunity for all, connected communities, a spectacular natural environment, and an innovative, thriving economy.
Multicounty Planning Policies
VISION 2050’s multi-county planning policies (MPPs) serve many purposes. MPPs provide a framework for updating countywide planning policies. Cities and counties use MPPs as a guide when updating local comprehensive plans.
At PSRC, VISION 2050 and the MPPs inform updates to the Regional Transportation Plan and Regional Economic Strategy. The MPPs provide policy direction for the implementing the Regional Growth Strategy. VISION 2050 actions outline responsibilities and tasks for PSRC, local governments, and others to implement the plan. Learn more about regional planning.
VISION 2050 works to...
Regional Growth Strategy
The Regional Growth Strategy defines roles for different types of places in accommodating the region's population and employment growth, which inform countywide growth targets, local plans and regional plans. The Regional Growth Strategy assumes 65% of the region's population growth and 75% of the region's job growth will locate in regional growth centers and near high-capacity transit. The VISION 2050 Supplemental EIS studies the environmental outcomes of the Regional Growth Strategy. Learn more about guidance to implement the Regional Growth Strategy (PDF).
This graphic shows how cities and unincorporated areas are categorized by "regional geographies" and how much growth is allocated to each geography. Snohomish County Cities & Towns and Rural figures are rounded to the nearest half percent and 500 population. Other figures are rounded to the nearest whole percentage and 1000 population. Tribal lands are also identified as a regional geography in VISION 2050.
VISION 2050 is implemented through the collective work of PSRC, counties, cities, and other agency partners. The plan includes actions to guide regional and local implementation. Local comprehensive plans largely implement VISION 2050. Learn more about implementation in our progress report.
PSRC supports implementation through:
- Local assistance and planning guidance
- Policy and plan review
- Regional transportation planning and funding
- Regional economic development planning
Featured Implementation Projects