Marina at Bainbridge Island

Environmental Review

PSRC reviewed the environmental impacts of four regional growth alternatives in the VISION 2050 Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS). The SEIS was prepared in accordance with the State Environmental Policy Act. The SEIS contains new information and analysis and builds on data and analysis contained in the VISION 2040 Final Environmental Impact Statement and other existing environmental documents.

Paper copies of the VISION 2050 SEIS have been provided to the libraries listed in Appendix G. The PSRC Information Center can provide assistance at 206-464-7532 or by email.

The PSRC General Assembly adopted VISION 2050 on October 29, 2020. 


PSRC compared growth alternatives through the year 2040 to support development of VISION 2040. This environmental review was prepared in accordance with the WA State Environmental Policy Act. VISION 2040 was adopted by PSRC’s General Assembly in 2008.

VISON 2040 Final Environmental Impact Statement

VISION 2040 Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement