Planning for 2050

Regional planning for a sustainable future.

PSRC works to ensure a bright future for the region through planning for growth, transportation, and economic development.

Just over 4 million people live in the central Puget Sound region. Forecasts show the region will grow to 5.8 million people by 2050. 

Environmentally focused growth and a vibrant economy.

VISION 2050 is the regional plan for managing growth over the coming decades. The regional growth strategy calls for new housing, jobs and development in regional growth centers and near high-capacity transit. The strategy also aims to keep rural areas, farmland, and forests healthy and thriving.

Keeping the region moving.

PSRC helps secure federal transportation funding for the region, selecting projects to receive over $240 million each year. The agency maintains a four-year Regional Transportation Improvement Program that implements the long-range Regional Transportation Plan.

Sustaining good jobs.

PSRC is leading implementation of the Regional Economic Strategy. This data-driven strategy identifies leading sectors and the ways the region intends to sustain economic development. 

Data for planning.

PSRC provides data and long term forecasts for transportation, population, jobs, housing and more to help the region get ready for the future.