FHWA Provides In-Depth Look at Equity Tracker

The Federal Highway Administration has recently highlighted the work PSRC staff have done on the new Equity Tracker. 

Released in late June, the Equity Tracker is a tool that measures disparities between different communities, analyzes the region’s performance in equity-related matters and monitors the progress of equity-related programs and policy implementation. 

This tool aligns with the federal government's Justice40 Initiative, which establishes the goal that 40% of benefits from federal investments flow to disadvantaged communities, and the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Equity Action Plan which highlights the work across five areas of focus: wealth creation; the power of community; proactive intervention, planning and capacity building; expanding access and institutionalizing equity. The demographics the Equity Tracker focuses on include people of color, people with low incomes, people with disabilities, older adults, youth and people with limited English proficiency. 

The Equity Tracker is an example of how Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) are integrated into the equity process and how data and policy work hand-in-hand to address and close equity-related gaps. For more about the Equity Tracker and its potential large-scale impact on planning, via USDOT’s case study.