Grant Signed for New RapidRide I Line

King County Metro hosted a grant signing event last week for the new RapidRide I Line. 

The RapidRide I Line will be a 17.9 mile north-south bus rapid transit service that connects three of the largest suburban cities in South King County: Renton, Kent, and Auburn. Service is slated to being in 2027.

PSRC has provided almost $19 million of its federal funding to the design and implementation of the new line. The signing event celebrated the final piece of the funding puzzle with a new $80 million grant from the FTA’s Capital Investment Grant Program. 

RapidRide lines provide a higher level of service than regular bus routes. They feature dedicated lanes, signal priority, and 10-15 minute headways. The new line will connect with the Sounder Commuter Rails stations in Kent and Auburn, significantly increasing transit options and reliability in South King County.  

Photo courtesy of King County