Pierce County plan up for full certification

The Executive Board will take action on certification of the Pierce County comprehensive plan on July 27.

Following an agreement with the board made last year, Pierce County implemented strategies for growth planning for the county’s unincorporated urban area, including efforts to encourage annexation and incorporation.

County actions have included new subarea planning for the unincorporated urban area that focuses on centers and corridors, establishing interlocal agreements with cities to support annexation, and working with the state Legislature to advance legislation that would improve the feasibility of annexations.

Based on review of the county’s report to PSRC, the Growth Management Policy Board unanimously recommended full certification earlier this month.

Every city and county within the central Puget Sound region develops a comprehensive plan to shape the future of their community. 

PSRC is now wrapping up a major round of plan updates and review that started in 2015. A handful of cities are still working on their plans, but all jurisdictions are on track for full certification.

Also on the Executive Board’s agenda:

  • A presentation on Puget Sound Data Trends
  • A briefing on preparation for the update of VISION 2040 to extend planning to 2050.

See the full agenda here. The meeting will be Thursday, July 27, 10 – 11:30 a.m., at PSRC. Attend in person or watch the meeting video.