Public comment sought on proposed ferry fare increase

The Washington State Transportation Commission has released a proposal to increase ferry fares over the next two years and will take action on this proposal at PSRC on July 26.

The recently passed two-year state transportation budget for Washington State Ferry operations requires $381 million in additional operating revenue between July 1, 2017, and June 30, 2019 and the proposed fare increase should meet that.  

The commission’s proposal includes two ferry fare increases over the next two years as follows:

  • October 1, 2017:
    • 2.9 percent fare increase for small and standard sized vehicles
    • 0.8 percent to 1.8 percent fare increase for oversized vehicles (22 feet and longer), depending on vehicle size
    • 2.5 percent fare increase for passengers
    • Passengers who bring bicycles with trailers will see an increase as they begin paying the motorcycle/driver (stowage) rate instead of the combined passenger fare with bicycle surcharge
  • October 1, 2018
    • 2.5 percent fare increase for small and standard sized vehicles
    • No fare increase for oversized vehicles (22 feet and longer)
    • 2.1 percent fare increase for passengers
    • School Group passengers fare will increase from $1 per group for a one-way trip to $5 per group for a one-way trip

The commission will hold its final hearing at 10 a.m. Wednesday, July 26, at PSRC. The commission is expected to take action and vote on the final fare and policy changes at this hearing.

To make a comment:

Email:  Please indicate “Ferry Fares” in the subject line.

Website: Submit comments utilizing the online comment form on the commission’s website, under “contact us”:

In Writing:

Washington State Transportation Commission
P.O. Box 47308
Olympia, WA 98504-7308

Phone: 360-705-7070

For more information on the ferry fare proposal, please visit the transportation commission’s web site: