Renton's ADU Program wins VISION 2050 Award

The City of Renton and Jill Sousa Architects have won a VISION 2050 Award from the Puget Sound Regional Council for Renton’s Permit Ready Accessory Dwelling Unit Program. The awards recognize innovative projects and programs that help ensure a sustainable future as the region grows.

The City of Renton’s program provides residential property owners with several of the tools and resources needed to build an Accessory Dwelling Unit, including free preapproved model base plans, technical assistance, an expedited permitting process, and heavily reduced or waived administrative fees.

“Renton’s ADU Program is a meaningful way to increase the city’s housing inventory, diversify housing options, and create more financially attainable housing opportunities,” said Josh Brown, Executive Director of PSRC. “The program is an outstanding example of how the region can create affordable, flexible housing throughout the region.”


Renton Award Presentation
The award was presented at Renton’s City Council Meeting on November 7, 2022.