Passport to 2044: Comprehensive Plan Workshop Series

The Puget Sound Regional Council hosted fifteen online workshops to support the comprehensive periodic plan updates. These events were produced in collaboration with the Washington State Department of Commerce, the Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC), and many other partners across the state.

This series was a huge success thanks to all our presenters and attendees!

  • Over 2,000 live webinar attendees
  • 90% participation from cities and counties in the central Puget Sound region
  • 15 sessions over 2 years
  • 65 guest speakers from 27 cities and organizations

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The primary audience for this series was the planners, consultants, and staff most involved with comprehensive planning. Elected officials, planning commissioners, and others with a role in the upcoming comprehensive plan updates were also welcome to attend. Did you attend a session? Don't forget to download your certificate!

Logos for the Puget Sound Regional Council, Washington State Department of Commerce, and Municipal Research and Services Center. These organizations are the hosts of the Passport to 2044 series.